My Investment

Why Should I Make an
Investment into Myself?

Norris Investments completely understands your concern in regards to making the investment into your future. Simply stated, we've tried other ways and have learned on this great journey that until someone is willing to invest in themselves no true commitment exists.

Norris Investments believes in helping those who want to help themselves. We are committed to every sub-contractor pursuing this opportunity. Please make sure to visit our Current Specials page to see the current specials we may currently have available.

We hope that you find this investment well worth it. We can attest with 100% confidence that we did.

The Average Investment to get started:

$12.95 Background Check (goes to U.S. Information Services)

$99 ACP101 (goes to Arise)

$79-$209 initial Client Certification investment(goes to Client)

*$90-$120 call center quality voip/inbound call headset

**$25 basic analog landline (no voip, cable lines)

**$50 high speed internet (dsl or cable)


Your Average Return:


*You may choose to purchase your own headset outside of Norris Investments preferred vendor.

**You may use your current landline and high speed internet access if it meets above requirements.

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